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Crowns & Bridges

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 If you have damaged or missing teeth that need restoring or replacing, then having a crown or a bridge fitted may be just the option for you.  

Crowns are custom made caps that are fixed onto teeth, completely covering them. Crowns are often used to: 

  • strengthen and improve the appearance of a chipped, cracked or discoloured tooth

  • attach a bridge in the mouth

  • protect a tooth following root canal therapy

  • cover a dental implant

  • repair a tooth too damaged to be fixed with a filling 

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials depending on your preferences and budget, with ceramic and gold alloy crowns being popular.  

A bridge consists of two crowns that are joined by one or more false teeth. They are handy for replacing one or more missing teeth. The bridge spans and neatly fills the gap created by the missing teeth. The two crowns at either end of the bridge are bonded on to the neighbouring teeth, holding everything in place. 

Like crowns, bridges are often made of ceramic materials, to reflect the look of natural teeth.  

For further information about crown and bridgework, just call (07) 5513 0900 or email us.

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